Chairman Dedicates Konongo Area Mission House


The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost (COP), Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah, on April 2, 2018, dedicated the newly-constructed Konongo Area Mission House to the glory of God.

He was ably assisted by Apostle Ekow Badu Wood (Asokwa Area Head and Executive Council Member), Apostle Martin S. Appiah (Obuasi Area Head) and Apostle Frederick Andoh (Konongo Area Head).

Speaking on the topic: “Depravity of Humanity; The Importance of The Pastor” with Genesis 1:26-28, Genesis 3:6-8, Romans 3:23ff and Ephesians 4:11 as Scriptural references, Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah stated that God purposed in His heart to create human beings in His image and likeness. This, according to him, meant that God cherished man so much.

God also gave man a soul, which embodies the intellect with which he was able to give names to all that God had created. Furthermore, God gave man a spirit, which, according to him, gave life to the human soul and also enabled mankind to commune with God.

The Chairman said that afterwards, God placed man in the Garden of Eden. He placed two trees in the middle of the garden, thus the Tree of Life, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. He said that Satan knowing what God has endowed man with came in to deceive man and led him to disobey God by eating of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil which God had forbidden them not to touch. As a result of this disobedience, man lost the glory of God.

Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah explained that the depravity of mankind reflects in human’s lustful desires and actions. The practice of homosexuality, transgender, ritual murders, corruption, drug trafficking, environmental pollution, illegal mining (Galamsey), etc. are negative actions which led to grave consequences, yet human beings continue to engage in them. This, according to him, depicts mankind’s depraved nature.

He said that it is for this reason that God sent His son, Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary, to save humanity from their depraved state. He explained that “Jesus is the last Adam who is without sin and therefore meets the requirements of a Saviour.” Hence, all who accept Him as Saviour and Lord of their lives are saved.

Concluding his message, Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah indicated that God gave gifts to mankind. They include Prophecy, Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Administration etc. He added that God has also given gifts to the Church. These gifts are Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teachers, who are tasked to lead the flock of Christ (members), train them and equip them till they become firmly rooted in Christ.

He said that this is why pastors are very important people and the reason why they ought to be given the needed support and cooperation at their various duty stations in order to executive their divine calling effectively.

Giving a brief historical account of the building, the Area Estate Committee Chairman, Pastor Maclean Arthur Gyan, said that the Konongo Area was carved out of the Ashanti Region A in 1998, which was then under the leadership of Apostle D. K. Arnan of blessed memory.

After the creation of the Area, there was a need for the Church to find a permanent place of residence to house the Minister-in-charge of the newly-created Area, Pastor Daniel Obeng Atuah (now a retired Apostle), and his family.

For this reason, the Area purchased a building project in 1998 which was at the lintel stage and saw to its completion within 3 months in order for it to be occupied by the incoming Area Head and his family. Some years after the construction, the building began to develop some problems.

Subsequent Area Heads who followed after Apostle Atuah (Retd.) undertook various minor renovation works on the building to make it habitable. However, in 2017, Apostle Frederick Andoh, the current Area Head, in consultation with the Area Leadership contracted the ZABS Construction Company to undertake a major renovation works on the building to cater for its per deficiencies. Under the strict supervision of Building Engineers about 70% of the building was pulled down for reconstruction. The building was reconstructed at a total cost of GHC. 330,380.24.

The plaque of the new building was unveiled by Mrs. Grace Opoku Onyinah (wife of the Chairman), after which Apostle Professor Opoku Onyinah proceeded to pray and dedicate the Mission House.

Present at the event were the immediate-past Konongo Area Head, Apostle Nicholas Asante Appiah Missah (now Asante-Bekwai Area Head) and his wife, Mrs Leticia Appiah Missah, as well as a delegation from the Konongo palace.

Report By: Overseer Musa Yahaya, Konongo Area

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