35 Graduate From Tema Greenwich Meridian District Marriage & Family Life School


The Tema Greenwich Meridian District recently held a graduation ceremony for the 1st and 2nd batches of its Marriage & Family Life School at the Safo Memorial Temple in Tema for 35 students who successfully completed the requirements for Sessions 1 & 2.

Each session covered 20 lessons which spanned eight weeks of virtual classes with seven in-built face-to-face counselling sessions.

Fifty students registered for the two sessions, with 35 of them successfully completing the programme and presented for graduation. The 35 students made up of 20 for the first batch and 15 for the second batch. They were selected from Ghana, United Kingdom and Czech Republic, as well as non-Church of Pentecost members.

The Dean, Elder Akwasi Boaten-Sekyerehene, commended the District Minister/Rector of the school, Pastor Dr Suleman De-Graft Issaka, for his strong support for the school, always ensuring the needed logistics are provided, and showing leadership.

He also commended the students for their cooperation and comportment throughout the lecture periods.

The Rector, Pastor De-Graft Issaka, on his part, commended the students, the faculty and specifically mentioned the Dean and Registrar for their selfless and dedicated services to the school. He commended the students as well and charged them to be good ambassadors for the school by living out the lessons learnt from the school in their marriages.

Report by Pastor Dr Suleman De-Graft Issaka

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