183 Souls Won At Tepa Area Mega Campus Takeover, Prayer Meeting


One hundred and eighty-three students surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ during a mega campus takeover and prayer meeting organised by The Church of Pentecost at the Tepa Senior High School on August 24, 2024.

Seventy-five others received the baptism of the Holy Spirit, 25 were instantly baptised in water, with many also receiving deliverances from spiritual attacks.

The event, spearheaded by the Area Head, Apostle David Nii Addo-Pappoe, was organised to share the gospel with the students, pray with them and impart some spiritual gifts to them to ground them in Christ.

Speaking at the event, Apostle Addo-Pappoe encouraged the students to open their hearts to receive Christ and desist from lifestyles that can destroy their future.

He stated that Jesus is the giver of life, and He gives eternal life to those who believe in Him.

According to him, seeking Christ and repenting and walking in the life He gives is the ultimate.

Preaching at the service on the theme, ‘He came to seek and to save the lost’ – Luke 19:6-10, Pastor Stephen Larbi, the Area Evangelism Leader, explained that Jesus’ encounter with Zacchaeus, a chief tax collector, led to the latter’s conversion.

The headmaster of the school thanked the Area Head and The Church of Pentecost for making time to come and pray for the students and also to impart in them some spiritual gifts which will unleash them to transform their world for Christ.

Present at the service were Mrs Faustina Addo-Pappoe (Wife of the Area Head), Pastor Kwesi Atta Agyapong (Area Secretary), Pastor Enoch Mensah, Pastor Joshua Yawson (Area Youth Leader), Pastor Coker Isaiah, Pastor Barnabas Kambouyori, Pastor Henseley Agyare Darfour as well as the Area Women’s Ministry Leader, among others.

Among the management and staff of the school who graced the occasion were Mr Baryeh Amaniampong (Assistant Headmaster – Administration), Mr Daniel Agyin Brefo (Assistant Headmaster – Domestic), Deaconess (Mrs) Hellen Baffoe Antwi (Senior House Mistress), Rev. Seth Osei Wilson (School Chaplain) and Elder Nsonwa PENSA Patron.

Report by Tepa Area Media Team

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