MPWDs Coordinator Calls For Inclusivity For Persons With Disabilities


The National Coordinator for the Ministry to Persons with Disabilities (MPWDs) of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor Alexander Nyame, has reiterated the importance of reaching persons with disabilities (PWDs) with the gospel.

Speaking on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at the ‘Beyond Suffering (BYS)’ Training session for PWDs volunteers in Ho, Volta Region, on the topic, ‘Introduction to Disability,’ Pastor Nyame cited the 2023 World Health Organisation’s (WHO) report, and noted that approximately 1.3 billion people, representing about 16% of the global population, live with disabilities.

‘This staggering figure implies that if people were gathered in one location, the deaf community alone would be the third-largest country globally. Persons with disabilities (PWDs) are the largest minority group that has yet to be reached with the word of God,’ he stressed.

Quoting Mark 16:15-16, he urged the Church to fulfil its mandate to ‘go and preach the gospel, not to selected individuals but to all creation,’ including PWDs.

He pointed out that although Ghana’s population stands at 34 million, many people with disabilities remain unreached.

‘Whose likeness are they created in?’ he asked, highlighting that every human being, including PWDs, is created in God’s image.

Pastor Nyame hinted that every individual, regardless of ability, has a soul in need of salvation.

He stressed that the Church’s mission is to provide opportunities for families of PWDs to meet the Saviour and find hope beyond their suffering.

‘God will not judge us based on our disabilities. We will all be judged equally,’ he said, addressing the common misconception among some PWDs that God does not love them.

The MPWDs Coordinator further elaborated on the different types of disabilities, including physical impairments, neurological conditions such as epilepsy and cerebral palsy, as well as down syndrome and albinism.

He stressed that all these individuals have souls, and their souls require salvation, saying, ‘There is a diversity of needs when it comes to disabilities; therefore, one size does not fit all.’

Pastor Nyame outlined three primary causes of disabilities: pre-natal (before birth), peri-natal (during birth), and post-natal (after birth).

He also highlighted four major barriers that PWDs face: social or attitudinal barriers, physical or architectural barriers, information or communication barriers, and transportation barriers.

He encouraged society to view PWDs as individuals first, rather than defining them by their disabilities.

‘Do not change your tone when speaking to a person with a disability; use a normal tone. And do not pity them,’ he concluded, urging for respect and inclusivity in interactions with PWDs.

The retreat which officially began on Wednesday, August 28, 2024, was part of the Church’s efforts to equip volunteers with the necessary skills to engage with PWDs, ensuring that the gospel reaches every corner of society, without exclusion.

The exercise was in collaboration with the Covenant Family Community Church and Joni & Friends International.


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