The Church Must Rule The World – Apostle Eric Nyamekye


As criticism and cynicism against the Church become rife in some circles, the Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has underscored the need for Christians to ensure that the Church remains strong in contemporary times.

Speaking at the Antwerp Zone to members of The Church of Pentecost in Belgium, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, focusing on the first of three sub-topics, “Building to be Strong,” referenced Matthew 16:18-19 and said, “We need to build the Church to be strong so that not even the gates of Hades can withstand the forward march of the Church. The Church is not a weak entity; it is something so powerful.

“When you see a Church playing weak, it’s all because of a generation that is only churching. But the Church must rule the world so that heaven will partner with the Church and cause what we say to come to pass,” he stressed.

The Chairman described the Church as a community of holy people walking in love and advancing into the world with the gospel of salvation. These are not perfect people, but holy people because God is in them, walking in love so that the whole world will know God through them.

“The Church must be powerful enough to answer questions—the difficult questions. It should be able to meet needs and solve problems.

“The Church should be a real Mount (Obadiah 1:17), able to receive sinners and, with the power of God, transform sinners into saints,” he said.

As an equipping centre, Apostle Nyamekye said God must be in the Church, as His presence is crucial to the Church.

“The Church must not be an ordinary ministry; God must be in our midst. When we meet, we must be able to smell the presence of God. If we want to experience His presence, we must carry His presence into the Church. The lifestyle of members of the Church must change for the watching world to know that God is in His Church.”

He continued, “The Church we are seeking to build is made up of those called out to be part of the community called the Church so that they would be able to transform their world.

“God calls us out and calls us together for a purpose: to become a community of His own people. But it is not enough for the community to meet; they have to advance into the world with the gospel of salvation,” he concluded.

Report by David Tagoe

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