Vision 2028 Requires That We Foster Teamwork For Progress – Apostle Mike Etrue


Apostle Mike Kwame Etrue, the Koforidua Area Head and an Executive Committee Member of The Church of Pentecost, has admonished Church leaders to foster teamwork in the light of the Church’s Vision 2028 to maximise growth.

Apostle Etrue, who also serves as the Eastern Regional Coordinating Committee (ERCC) Coordinator, said this in an exhortation to the Koforidua Area Presbytery of the Church during their End-of-Year meeting held on Friday, February 2, 2024 at the Central Tabernacle.

He explained that Vision 2028 of The Church of Pentecost, which has the overarching theme, Possessing the Nations II: Unleashing the Whole Church for the Transformation of their World with the Values and Principles of the Kingdom of God”, has ministry space for everyone, hence the need to foster teamwork for progress.

In a sermon entitled, “Fostering Teamwork for Progress,” the Area Head explained teamwork as work done by several associates with each doing a part but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.

He emphasised that in unity lies strength and Church leaders must know this.

He intimated that Vision 2028 of the Church has several components such as Ministry to Celebrities, Ministry to Muslims, Chaplaincy, among others and this will require that leaders foster teamwork, as a single person cannot accomplish it all.

With reading from Genesis 11:4-5, the Eastern RCC Coordinator exegete that the people of Babel were heading towards human success simply because they were one and were building as a team, but unfortunately their goals and aspirations were contrary to the revealed word and plans of God for humans.

Apostle Etrue exhorted that when Christian leaders foster teamwork according to the revealed word and plans of God in Christ, their results will be great.

With further reading from John 17:20-23, Apostle Mike Kwame Etrue established that Jesus underscores the essence of teamwork hence prayed for the unity of the disciples.

He also added that the biblical basis for teamwork include the Holy Trinity (Genesis 1:26), and the collaborative leadership of Moses with Joshua, Aaron, and Caleb who shared in the load of leadership.

He also added that other biblical characters such as Nehemiah (Nehemiah 3), Ezra (Ezra 7:28), and Solomon (Eccl. 4:9-12) all exemplified teamwork.

The Area Head cited Luke 10 and illustrated that Jesus modelled teamwork in his earthly ministry and also mentioned that the early church did same (Acts 6:1-7; 11:19-30; 12:12-17; 13:1-13; 18:1-4).

Apostle Mike Etrue extoled the importance of teamwork and mentioned that results are multiplied, less stress for everyone, church growth occurs, increased joy is produced in the body of believers, and individual and group potentials are discovered.

The Area Head intimated that God’s plans has always been using role players rather than superstars.

He bemoaned situations where some Christian leaders ignore teamwork thinking soloing is easier with others having control issues and will dictate instead of taking ideas from the group. “Dictatorship results in stifled creativity”, he noted.

He also stated that some leaders in their bid to satisfy their personal ego needs ignore the group to sole leadership.

With further reading from Romans 12:5, he explained that the psychology of Teams has it that the Church is a body of Christ with different people and functions, hence the need to promote team work.

Apostle Etrue encouraged leaders to adopt creative strategies in the midst of challenges to keep the value of teamwork alive.

He also challenged the leaders to ensure that members are taught to understand Vision 2028 so that they can give their best towards its achievement.

Report by Koforidua Area Media Team

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