The True Value Of Our Work Is With The Lord – Chairman Tells Church Leaders


The Chairman of The Church of Pentecost, Apostle Eric Nyamekye, has stated that the true value of Christian service can only be determined by the Lord.

This, according to the Chairman, is because the success of ministry work is based on how much of God’s Life (living water) flows through an individual to bless humanity.

Apostle Eric Nyamekye said this today during a farewell service held in honour of the outgone Kaneshie Area Head, Apostle Mike Etrue, and his family at the Kaneshie Central Assembly church auditorium.

Preaching on the topic: “The True Value Of Our Work Is With The Lord” with Matthew 19:27-30 as his anchor text, Apostle Nyamekye said that like Peter, most Christians, particularly Church leaders, are sometimes skeptical about the reward they stand to gain from their Christian service to the Lord.

The Chairman, therefore, assured believers that the Lord rewards every work that is done for Him. 

Quoting John 7:37-38, he explained that God has deposited in every believer a river of living water, which is the life of God; this living water is the solution to the world’s problems.

“This living water is quickened by the Holy Spirit to well up within us and flow from within us to be a blessing to humanity,” he said.

According to the Chairman, the most important thing God expects of the believer is to be the channel through whom His living water would flow to bless others.

“When we come to faith in Jesus, it is not what we gain that matters to God but what He pours through us that really counts. This is the true measure of the ministry and Christian life, and it is what the Lord rewards,” he said.

He emphasised that, unlike the people of the world who measure the success of ministry and Christian service by one’s fame, riches etc., God does not judge by what is seen by the eyes but by righteousness.

He, therefore, urged Christians, especially Church leaders, to always focus on becoming a fountain through which the life of Jesus can flow as rivers of living water to bless others.

“So, let us stop complaining and rather focus on how God’s Life (living water) can flow through us,” he advised

He also urged ministers to manage their expectations of the material benefits and praise they receive from human beings for their service since the true value of their work is only seen by God.

“While the disciples saw the breaking of the alabaster jar as a waste, Jesus saw it as valuable. Also, while the widow’s mite was seen as little, the Lord singled it out as the most valuable. So, it is the Lord who knows the true value of our service, and not humans,” he explained.

To earn the Master’s reward in their Christian service, the Chairman advised believers to stay connected to Jesus, the source of the living water, so that the rivers of living water will constantly flow through them to bless others.

He also advised them to have a positive attitude towards the work of God and to do every work with all their heart as working for the Lord and not for human masters (Colossians 3:23-24).


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