Fetish Priestess Accepts Christ After Idols Failed Her


A 23-year-old fetish priestess and drug addict, Margaret Kesewaa, has abandoned idol worship and turned to Christ after her gods failed to rescue her from a gory road accident.

In an interview with PENTECOST NEWS, Margaret Kesewaa based in Kibi in the Eastern Region, indicated that she made this eventful decision when the gods she had trust in, and served for almost a decade, could not save her from a fatal accident she was involved in recently.

“I have worshipped the gods faithfully for eight years and performed several sacrifices, nevertheless, they could not save me from this accident,” she said.

According to her, she encountered this misfortune while on her way from Kibi to Kumasi. She was left unnoticed on the scene, but was later identified the next day, and quickly rushed to the St. Joseph Hospital in Koforidua. She suffered from multiple fractures in her legs and waist.

Upon her discharge from the hospital, she encountered Elder Osafo Afari Ampene, an elder of The Church of Pentecost in the Kibi District, who led her to accept Christ and was subsequently delivered from the powers of the evil spirits.

Led by the District Minister of Kibi, Pastor Jacob Coffie Agbesi, her idols were burnt.

Margaret Kesewaa, who was later baptized in water, now worships with the New Town Assembly in the Kibi District. She expressed her excitement in Christ, adding: “I have realized that no one gives life except God. I did not know that God is so sweet.”

Although she is joyfully enjoying a new life in Christ, Margaret revealed that her family and friends had neglected her due to her conversion.

The Suhum Area, under the leadership of Pastor Anthony Eghan Kwesi Ekuban, the Kibi District, and the New Town Assembly, have adopted her and have been providing support to her.

Report by Samuel Danso.

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