Peniel Assembly In Wiamoase District Dedicates Church Building


The newly constructed Peniel Assembly church building in Wiamoase District in the Mampong Area of The Church of Pentecost has been dedicated to the glory of God.

The Area Head, Prophet Foster Kwasi Aniakwaa, dedicated the edifice on September 11, 2020, assisted by the District Minister, Pastor Emmanuel Ezoun, and the Area pastorate and their wives.

Ministering the word of God at the service on the topic, “Possessing the Nations Through our Good Work and Character” Pastor Ezoun noted that one major way through which believers can possess the nations is their good works and character.

Reading from Acts 9:36-10:8, he used Dorcas and Cornelius as examples of people who exhibited good works. He said that they also exemplified good character for others to emulate. He stated that Dorcas’ life was characterised by good works as she was remembered even after her death. He stated that because of her good works, the people had to send for Peter who prayed to God to restore Dorcas to life.

Touching on the life of Cornelius, Pastor Emmanuel Ezoun said that even though he [Cornelius] was not a convert to Christianity, his good works were remembered by the Lord. “The Lord rewarded him with the gift of the Holy Spirit.

He indicated that the good works of Christians can draw many unbelievers to Christ. He encouraged the church members to be examples of good works in their marriages, homes, workplaces, and wherever they find themselves.

The Area Head, Prophet Aniakwaa, on his part, advised the church to develop a good maintenance culture since their ability to maintain the edifice will keep its beauty for posterity.

Present at the service was Pastor Isaac Anane Babae of Ahenema Kokoben District, who was a former District Minister of Wiamoase District, some Assembly Members in Wiamoase, among others.

Report by Pastor Stephen Safo Nsiah.

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