Christ-like character and Christ-like service.
We exist to operate through The Church of Pentecost to transform all workers of the church to become “Salt and Light” in the world at large in order to possess nations for Christ.
about us
In furtherance of ‘Vision 2023’ whose overarching goal is “Possessing the Nations”, the leadership of The Church of Pentecost, under the chairmanship of Apostle Eric Nyamekye, seeks to rebrand PENSA by extending and consolidating its activities worldwide, to form a global force for the purposes of Missions and Evangelism. The vision of PENSA International is to have well-established PENSA groups on campuses and in communities, a functional global PENSA network that enhances the spiritual, academic and socio-economic lives of members, and effective in breaking new grounds for missions. PENSA International exists to mobilise students and professionals globally for missions and networking.

The objectives set to achieve this vision and mission are to strategically establish PENSA in the nations; facilitate the mobilisation of students and alumni as volunteers for evangelistic missions and social impact; facilitate global professional networking among its members; liaise with the International Missions Directorate on cross-national operations. In achieving these objectives in pursuance of the “Possessing the Nations” agenda various tasks have been put in place. Regarding the establishment and stabilisation of PENSA branches in the nations, measures have been put in place to identify nations and campuses without PENSA; and mobilise appropriate resources with the support of existing COP structures in order to establish PENSA in the identified nations and campuses; new PENSA branches in the nations and campuses which have been identified will be opened; nations will be supported to formalise their newly opened PENSA branches.

Another task based objective strategy adopted by PENSA International in the form of breaking new grounds for missions in collaboration with the International Missions office, also seeks to identify new grounds for missions in consultation with the International Missions office; mobilise volunteer students and alumni from time to time for global mission trips. These teams of volunteers are known as The PENSA Force, and shall be used for groundbreaking missionary activities; mobilizing host and neighbouring nations to support groundbreaking missions work.
One of the mandates which has become part of the task based objective strategy of PENSA International is to network all students, alumni and professionals across the globe for fellowship and capacity development with the view to impact their societies with Kingdom principles and values. This will be tackled by creating a global interactive database for all students, alumni and professionals; facilitation of professional networking, exchange of best practices and opportunities within the global PENSA community; creating avenues for career guidance, professional mentoring and training; combating contemporary worldviews and philosophies with biblical principles and values; emphasising the need to live out the values and principles of the Kingdom of God as members of the PENSA International community; and organising global conferences with an evangelistic focus.
Since its inception, PENSA International has undertaken mission trips to the USA, Ivory Coast, the Philippines, Togo and Nigeria. Conferences were attended and intensive missions activities were carried out during these trips.