Darkuman Pastor Fetes Widows


The Darkuman District Minister of The Church of Pentecost, Pastor George Prah Amonoo, has marked his birthday celebration with a feast for widows in his district.

The event which took place at the Darkuman English Assembly was attended by 72 widows, including some officers of the Church.

It was in fulfillment of the Scripture in James 1:27: “A pure and undefiled religion before God our Father is to visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions.”

In an exhortation on the topic, “Widowhood Does Not Mean Abandonment,” Pastor Amonoo shared some wisdom nuggets with the widows. He used the story of Anna the prophetess from Luke chapter 2 to admonish them to devote their widowhood period in intercession for the Church.

This, he said, will open doors of blessings, especially for those who will faithfully and diligently commit to the task.

Pastor Amonoo added that God loves everybody and shows special concern for widows and orphans. He cited instances from the Bible where God came to the aid of widows and reiterated that God’s faithfulness never ceases.

The widows were advised to trust God and to put their faith into practice. He used 1 Timothy 5:4-6 to buttress his point.

The birthday celebration was crowned with a special donation of a half piece of cloth and a 5 kg bag of rice to each widow.

The widows expressed their profound gratitude to the District Pastor for the kind gesture.

Report by: Hilda Nana Ekua Safo, Darkuman District

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