To become an effective arm of the Church of Pentecost completely dedicated to reaching out to marginalized, unreached and unengaged people groups.
We exist to win and disciple the marginalized, unreached and unengaged people groups in Ghana with the unadulterated Word of God, giving them hope and transforming them into agents of hope and positive change for their communities.
about us
The Church of Pentecost is a mission-minded church which, over the years, has sought to reach out to all classes of people across many countries in the world.
In the early 1990s it introduced a ministry called “Northern Outreach Ministry” (NOM), which sought to reach out to Ghanaian Northerners who had moved to the Southern communities for better life and opportunities. Many years after its introduction, it was assimilated into the mainstream assemblies.
At the 2019 Extraordinary Council Meetings of the church, the Executive Council, under the leadership of Apostle Eric Nyamekye, introduced a new ministry under the name, “Home and Urban Missions” (HUM).
HUM is focused on reaching out to foreigners who are living in Ghana either on short visit or longer stay. These may include the Chinese, Koreans, Lebanese, Syrians, Arabs, Germans, etc. HUM seeks to reach out to these people, evangelise them and establish for them churches which will be relevant to their cultures and traditions. The intention is to reach “all people” with the message of Christ.

Again, HUM has the mandate to evangelise and reach out to other people and people groups who, over the years, have been cut off, as far as the evangelistic strategies and drive of the church are concerned. These people include but not limited to:
- The Fulani who are predominantly nomadic herdsmen living in Ghana. It is estimated that they number about 800 000 with only 0.1% of their population being Christians.
- The Urban Poor and marginalised like the head porters (Kayayees), street children, the homeless, refugees, drug addicts and prostitutes, among others.
- Northerners who are scattered in the southern parts of Ghana. This is similar to what was done under NOM, except that the network has been expanded to capture other perceived Northerners like Kotokoli, Wangara, Hausa, Challa, and other unreached people groups (ethnic groups whose Christian percentage is less than 5% or less than 2% of their population being evangelicals).
- African migrants where attention is paid to all other Africans living in Ghana like the Ivorians, Burkinabes, Togolese, Cameroonians, Nigerians, etc.
The vision of HUM is to become an effective arm of the church, completely dedicated to this course as she employs all means (strategies) possible to reach out to the aforementioned people groups.
HUM presently has a National Coordinator and two HUM pastors. The pastors are in Accra and Kumasi and responsible to specific Areas within the sectors.
All Administrative Areas of the church are to form 7-member Area HUM committees and 5-member committees at the district and local levels who will see to the implementation of HUM strategic goals and objectives at these levels.
Areas, districts and local assemblies will take ownership of all HUM assemblies formed, instead of the NOM system where assemblies were owned and supervised by NOM pastors.
In the HUM system, district pastors in whose jurisdictions assemblies are formed own these churches. They will report on them to their Area Heads with copies of the report to the National HUM Coordinator through the HUM reporting lines organogram.
Indeed, HUM has a significant role to play in the “possessing the nations” agenda as the church seeks to become all things to all people, so that by all means and at all costs she may save some for Christ Jesus.