Thursday, January 19, 2023


John 15:14-21


Jesus tells His disciples that they did not choose Him but He chose them to bear fruits that will last. In that same way, Jesus has chosen us and has endowed us with diverse kinds of gifts, talents and abilities. These gifts have been given to us so we can be fruitful.

The crux of the matter is that we are not only to be fruitful but also our fruits should remain. This means that the result of our labour should not be temporary but permanent on mankind. We are to ensure that the souls we win become disciples who in turn can disciple others.

Our lifestyles should impact other people’s lives. We must be people of integrity and treat corruption with disdain. This will call for sacrifice and determination. The world will also hate us in our bid to do the master’s will, but Jesus tells us not to be deterred by hatred and persecution. We are to labour for God continuously so that our fruits will remain.

Prayer Guide: Lord, help me to grow and establish all that you have committed to me.

Memory Verse For This Week: John 15:8 (ESV) – “By this, my Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit and so prove to be my disciples.”
