There are people all around us in need of the water of life—only, they don’t know that this is what they need. They search for something to fill the emptiness inside, but nothing satisfies. They strive to quench  their inner thirst with pleasure, money, or good works, but they still  feel parched inside.

As Christians, we have experienced the refreshing, thirst-quenching power of the water of life—Jesus Christ Himself. The blood of Christ  has cleansed us from every sinful stain of the past and has given us  the assurance of a heavenly home. But how good are we at inviting others to the water of life? When others look at our lives, do they want what we have? Do we make lost souls thirst for the gospel?

Too many Christians who preach the gospel with their lips, do not live  with the power of the Gospel in their daily lives. Such inconsistencies actually tend to repel people from the very Gospel they need. Jesus  said, “But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:14). You have the amazing privilege to tell hopeless, thirsting souls about the water of  life.

Remember, though, as you share the water of life, live in such a way that others will desire what you have.