Saturday, February 4, 2023


Psalm 19:1-4

The Church of Pentecost has a five-year vision (2018-2023) with the overarching theme, “Possessing the Nations: Equipping the Church to Transform every Sphere of Society with Values and Principles of the Kingdom of God”. Among other things, the vision seeks to equip the church, transform society, and strengthen and re-align church institutions and structures. Among the many implementation strategies,
one of the crucial ways is to write.

The Scripture for today indicates that God’s creation declares his glory day after day and night after night. The creation of God also declares his glory in every speech and language. To possess the nations, among the many efforts, you must be God’s ambassador in every space declaring the Word. One of the key spaces that are available to you is social media. Jesus must be known and experienced in the social media space. Statistics from the surveys by Global Web Index, Pew Internet Surveys, and Ofcom revealed that as of January 2022, 58.4% representing 4.62billion of the global population use social media with an average of 2 hours and 27 minutes daily spent time.

As an agent of God who is to declare his glory across the divide in every speech and language, the social media space among others is a great place for you. Share God’s word daily, publish insightful articles on your social media, and preach the gospel of Christ there too; at all costs you will win some. It is unfortunate that some young people instead of using social media to declare the glory of God, rather use it to attack leadership over donations that are made to enhance the course of Christ as part of the Possessing the Nations agenda. Surely, you must not be part of such persons.

Prayer Guide: Pray as led by the Holy Spirit.

Memory Verse For This Week: Exodus 34:27 (NIV) – Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.”
