Saturday, October 8, 2022


Joshua 14:12a; Numbers 13:25-33; Joshua 14:6-15


The Israelites on approaching the Promised Land, sent out young men including Caleb to scout the land, these men came back and assured them of the sufficient presence of the promised blessing that was just around their corner, but they also gave much credit to the ungodly giants who were occupying it, the later information caused the people’s courage and zeal to diminish into inferiority, fear, doubt, and regret. Here we note that in taking over, there’s always room for oppositions and challenges like discouragement from oneself, environment, friends, and family but your reaction is what matters most, would you react like the majority who accepted defeat, relaxed and never made it into the promised land to take over or would you be exceptional like Caleb (Num. 13 vs. 30) “let us go up at once…,” he was ready to waste no time because he visualized the land, believed that God has given it to them, and was ready to take over immediately. Even when the evil report seemed to stall him, he never lost focus because when the opportunity presented itself, he said to Joshua “Now give me this hill country…”

Those ungodly giants stand today like principalities and powers that are dominating and manipulating the lives of the people whom you and I should take over for Christ at once because those lives are that land flowing with milk and honey, if we do nothing, it will be stolen, killed, and destroyed. If an 85yrs old Caleb succeeded with God’s help, what is holding you back now? Is it lack of confidence, fear of being laughed at, or fear of losing your life? Those are the strategies of the devil to enthrone Christ in those lives today, it’s time to get angry at principalities, powers, rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in our settings because today, promotion of godless practices like witchcraft, Satanism, cultism, sodomy, magic, etc. are ongoing while many are being blown away by the euphoria of worldliness without even realizing it.

The powerful keys you need to confidently take over now are: Presence of the Holy Spirit, in-depth Knowledge of the word, Determination, and a step of Faith. Put on the whole amour of God, get up, lay aside procrastination, and make a positive impact on perishing lives around you! Because the opportunity is open now.

Prayer Guide: Lord Jesus, as I surrender to you, revive me again. Bestow on me grace, zeal, and ability to function efficiently in this great commission. Amen!

Memory Verse For This Week: Daniel 1:8a (ESV) - “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the Kings delicacies, nor with the wine which he drank.”
