
The ability to envision is blessing from the Lord. We see things differently and from different perspectives as human. At the calling of Jeremiah, the Lord asked him what he was seeing. He replied that he saw a branch of an almond tree. The lord said “you have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”

As we look forward to 2023, what do you see? What one sees is what stirs up the passion for one to achieve. Your vision defines how far you you will go. People who keep seeing failure, disappointments,

shame, negativities and the woes of the past are not likely to achieve anything meaningful. It is thus vital we see right. Seeing correctly is seeing from God’s perspective. Jeremiah saw right.

What distinguished Elisha from the other prophets of his day was not his service, sacrifice and perseverance even though they were all good. The point of difference is that Elisha saw right. The Lord told Abraham “For all the land which thou seest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed forever”. In Kingdom principles, what you see is your possession! In other words, possession in the Kingdom is a function of sight. See the victory, see the glory, see the souls, see the direction of the move of God in 2023 and catch it.