In the Scripture, it is seemingly impossible to talk about people who pleased God without talking about Abraham due to his exemplary obedience to God. Abraham is also among the few mentioned in the Christian “Hall of Faith” in Hebrew 11. If there is anything Christians would have to learn about obedience, Abraham cannot be left out. This goes a long way to teach us that as Christians, our faith and obedience to God could be our medium of unlocking our way to His heart.
One notable incidence of Abraham’s obedience is his willingness to sacrifice his only son Isaac to the Lord. One would have thought that Isaac being his only son, Abraham sacrificing him would be farfetched. He rather chose to obey God even when what was being demanded from him was all that he had.
How far are you willing to go in terms of your services to God? What are you willing to sacrifice to please God even when His demands are so difficult to meet? To what extent do you intend to go in pleasing the Lord? We must all purpose in our heart to offer all ourselves as living sacrifices unto the Lord; for this is our reasonable act of service – a service well-pleasing to God.