Ephesians 6:14; John 17:17; Zechariah 3:1-7


The belt is a very small part of a person’s outfit. Sometimes, we even forget to put it on. However, belts are used to keep clothing tight and well-fitted. It enables a person to be light and smart in a movement without any hindrances. The belt is of great importance to the soldier especially the Roman soldier. Ephesians 6:14 begins with the phrase ‘stand firm’. When a soldier is unable to stand on his grounds, he will not be able to engage in warfare. The belt, when in its rightful place and properly fixed gives the soldier the confidence to stand and move out to do warfare. It holds the entire tunic together and keeps the sword in its place.

In like manner, every Roman soldier had to protect his chest area with the breastplate. When the enemy strikes a soldier in the heart, his chance of survival is very minimal. Nevertheless, with the breastplate in place, it is possible to go to the battlefield in confidence, knowing that your heart is fully protected.

The militant church also has to have truth as her belt and righteousness as her breastplate. Truth is a complete package that includes honesty, sincerity of speech, and eschewing hypocrisy. It is impossible for the Christian soldier to go to the battlefield without this key element.

Truth is absolute and is based on the word of God.  The Christian must allow God’s word to permeate every fabric of life and must stand for the truth at all times. The righteousness of God, though imputed should also be infused. The Christian soldier must practice righteousness on a daily basis. By so doing, when the devil throws missiles at him, he will be fully protected.

Let us, therefore, hold onto the truth of God’s word and never compromise on that which is right. To be fully equipped and positioned as ‘God’s End-Time Army’, we must gird our loins with the belt of truth and fasten the breastplate of righteousness.

PRAYER GUIDE: I choose to stand for the truth of God’s word and live an upright life in this perverse world. The Lord being my helper. Amen!

MEMORY VERSE FOR THE WEEK: Ephesians 6:12-13 (NIV) – For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
