Are you seeking for wisdom? Then begin to fear God and you will get wisdom because as the scripture says, “the fear of the Lord is indeed the beginning of wisdom.” You can only know that a person fears God when that person considers the word of God as supreme and thus, is prepared to rank the word of God above personal thoughts, intuitions, philosophies, and prejudices. If you have this wisdom, you are more powerful than the ten most powerful kings put together (See Ecclesiastes 7:19). The wisdom that comes from knowing God is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without any form of pretension (James 3:17). The world has its own wisdom (read James 3:14-16), but the wisdom that will bring you peace, long life, lasting satisfaction, eternal life and fulfillment is in seeking after God and doing what his word teaches. Listening and taking heed to advice from the word of God each day is wisdom. It will prolong your days and deliver you from trouble.


Without accepting and living for Jesus who is the embodiment of wisdom (1 Cor. 1:24), your life will at best be a test of probabilities with no assurance of a better return for your toils. Why not seek Jesus now and get this wisdom, a necessity for living the victorious life!