From the passage, we see how a disciple of Christ called Dorcas had influenced the entire community of Joppa with good works and charitable deeds, especially to the poor. Her service to her community was well recognised by all to the extent that they would not allow her to be buried after she passed away.
Hearing that Peter was in Lydda the disciples sent two men to inform him about Dorcas’ death and if possible to come down to Joppa. It was interesting to note that Peter’s arrival was met with the works of Dorcas as the widows showed him their tunics and clothes made by Dorcas.
Although the Bible did not give much detail about Dorcas, it did speak largely about her commitment and service to the members of her community.
The communities in which we live in define us more by our works and deeds. The life of the Christian should, therefore, be seen outside more than in the church where they spend greater parts of their time.
In Ghana, many Christians are beautifully defined or seen in statistics and during census but with little influence in areas of service and hospitality. Let Christians arise from the statistical figures into impacting our ‘Joppa’ with the services of Christ to humanity.