
Go labour on, spend and be spent. Thy joy to do the Father’s will; it is the way the Master went should not the servant tread it still? (Horatius Bonar) Dearly beloved, intercessory prayer is not the preserve of a few classified Christians known as “prayer warriors”, who choose to pray and intercede. Rather, it is an essential component of our very call as New Testament ministers. Warring in Prayer cannot be the responsibility of a select few within the army of God.

Every soldier is involved in the battle, and so must every believer be actively involved in the ministry of intercession. Indeed, we risk our enlistment on the role of kingdom militants in good standing the moment we hide behind the façade of “some people have been assigned to do the praying.’’ I must say it is a dangerous position to take as far as God is concerned. Jesus Himself laboured in intercessory prayers and we dare not fail. He prayed all night, interceding for others.

In today’s reading, Epaphras was commended by the Apostle Paul for discharging this ministry faithfully. Intercessory prayers put God to work because prayer itself is a catalyst for the move of God. When we intercede, we invoke supernatural intervention concerning any and every matter. Therefore, see to it that you fulfil this ministry which you have received from the Lord.