The Kingdom of God, though common to hear, is normally not fully understood among some Christian circles. Jesus’ teachings and ministry open to us a world of understanding on this subject and further whets our appetite for life in the Kingdom. This week we shall focus on the kingdom of God and how to bring it down on earth as we possess the nations. A kingdom simply means a king and his domain (his subjects and his area of jurisdiction). The Kingdom of God is therefore about the King of kings, the Almighty God Himself and His domain which encompasses Heaven and Earth and everywhere else. Heaven is the seat of God, His holy city and Earth His footstool. The authority, power and all the attributes of God are experienced in His Kingdom.

Perfection of Kingdom life and power will be experienced in Heaven when we get there one day. Heaven is the place of perfection because of God’s power-perfect power, knowledge, healing, strength, joy, etc.  There will be no darkness, no sickness, no pain, no suffering, but joy forevermore, all by the power of our God.

Jesus came to announce and demonstrate the arrival of the Kingdom of God on earth. He began to preach, “Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Then later, He demonstrated power, power of the Holy Spirit to prove that the Kingdom of God had arrived. For instance, Matthew 12:28 reads, “But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the Kingdom of God has come upon you.” Through Jesus, we come to understand that the Kingdom of God also means a demonstration of God’s might, power and life here on earth through the Holy Spirit.

Thus, through the Holy Spirit, we can have a foretaste of the life, authority and power of the Kingdom here on earth. That is, the believer can live in a miniature heaven here on earth through the agency of the Holy Spirit. By giving us the Holy Spirit, God brought an extension of His Kingdom on earth to the believer. Hallelujah!!! Whenever we see souls being won, the sick being healed, demons being cast out, the Kingdom of God is being demonstrated.  May you experience the Kingdom of God today as we possess the nations!