Matthew 13:24-29 and 37-40.

EXPOSITION: Every army has a strategy for enlisting people. Regarding the Kingdom, the Church undertakes evangelism as the method of enlisting people. Evangelism is the spreading of the Good News to the world. It is announcing that Jesus Christ is the only Son of God who gave His life as a sacrifice for the sins of humanity. Evangelism is very important, for it leads to the fulfilment of the Great Commission.

Thus, it helps the church to win more souls into the Kingdom of God, enlisting them as soldiers in God’s army. On how evangelism should be carried out in God’s Kingdom, Jesus uses the parable of the wheat and weeds as a metaphor to describe it. Our focus for today’s study is on the evangelism strategy of the Kingdom as described by Jesus.

Jesus’ parable of the wheat and weeds gives a description of the method of evangelism in the Kingdom of God. Jesus referred to the Son of Man as the farmer who plants the good seed, and the field as the world (the spheres of life).

He also referred to the good seed (or wheat) as the people of the Kingdom (believers) sown into the world by the Son of Man (Jesus Christ) to transform and advance it. Further, Jesus referred to the weeds as unbelievers, and the enemy as the devil. The devil sowed the weeds to possibly gain control of the world. The master, however, prevented his servants from uprooting the weeds to forestall injuring the good seed (believers) and disturb the earth (world).

As believers, we have been strategically ‘planted’ in the world to transform its systems with Kingdom principles and lifestyles such as the principle of work and the dignity of labour, service, respect for all, honesty, kindness, love, faithfulness, truthfulness, forgiveness, contentment, humility, integrity and moral uprightness that identify us as a people belonging to God. The church (sending agency) must therefore equip her members to achieve this task.

PRAYER GUIDE: Use me as an agent to bring others to your kingdom.

MEMORY VERSE FOR THIS WEEK: Acts 5:42 - Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Christ.
