Saul was a Benjamite who had been anointed King over Israel out of God’s permissive will. Instead of concentrating on his own life and ministry, he turned his attention at pursuing David, the young man after God’s own heart. After several attempts to kill David for no wrong done, Saul realized the quality of David’s life and devotion to his God and the king.

David had many opportunities to have killed King Saul, but he did not. Saul finally realized that he was in a wrong pursuit.


“I have sinned,…I have been a fool, and very, very wrong” 1 Sam. 26: 21 NLT (extracts only)


There will not be enough pages to summarize your life at your memorial service. The ending is inevitable, and will be the result of what we used each day and opportunity for.

Dear friend, you must understand that the end will surely come, and your life will be summarized in a few sentences. What will those sentences be? What will have been the key achievement of your life if it was to end today?