Every army has a training ground, where the soldiers are trained for battle. The army of God; the Church is no different. The Church is an equipping center where members are equipped as ‘deliverers and saviors ‘of their spheres of influence. In the Old Testament, God revealed himself on Mount Sinai in fearful ways, and the Israelites could not approach Him. However, in the New Testament, God reveals himself on Mount Zion the Church.
According to the main text, the Church is now where God dwells, making it a seat of power. In the Church, God equips His people and releases them as ‘deliverers and saviors’ to possess and transform ungodly societies likened to Mount Esau for Christ. In this lesson, we aim to explore this theme in the light of Hebrews 12:22-24.
Hebrews 12:22-24 reveals that the church gathering, Mount Zion is the city of the Living God; the heavenly Jerusalem; innumerable angels in joyful assembly; the firstborns whose names are in heaven; the presence of God the judge of all the earth; the spirits of the righteous made perfect; Jesus; the Mediator of the new covenant; the sprinkled blood that speaks better things than Abel’s blood. The Church is different from other human gatherings because it is a gathering unto God and Christ where the saints are equipped to deliver the world.
The local church must be a place of reverence and solemnity before God where teachings, prayer and discipline are geared towards making people ‘deliverers ‘and ‘saviors’ to reach out to Mount Esau the ungodly world. Since the Church is the seat of power and epicenter for equipping ‘deliverers and saviors’ with ‘the better word’, we must come to church with yearning hearts to receive and become effective salt of the earth and the light the world.