Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Luke 2:41-46

The Christian walk with Christ must always be a continuous and persistent one, where the goal is to be in and around Jesus. He is the centre of the attraction and the glory for our survival and growth. When Joseph and Mary discovered that Jesus was not in their company, they started seeking Him among their friends and family members. No wonder they sought for Him three days before they found Him in the temple. The Bible says they walked a day’s journey but surprisingly they spent three days in their search for Him over the same distance they had travelled earlier. This was so because they were searching for Him from the spiritually wrong places of the temple but logically in Jerusalem. They later found Him in the Temple in Jerusalem.

A day’s journey without Jesus can be likened to our day’s journey without prayer, devotion, and proper meditation on the word of God. Where do you look for Jesus when you suddenly realize that you have gone on a day’s journey without Him. Stop looking for Him from family and friends and any other logical place or location that you can imagine that He would be there. Rather go into your Jerusalem and into the Temple, where you will definitely find Him. Stop living in the pseudo environment of discovering Jesus and get into the reality and the substance of your search for Jesus via His word.

Prayer Guide: Lord Jesus, please help me to discover my true bearings and paths to finding you whenever I feel I have gone ahead of you.

Memory Verse For This Week: Luke 2:40 (NKJV) – And the Child grew and became strong in spirit, filled with wisdom; and the grace of God was upon Him.
