
The activities of Secular Humanists look dangerous for the survival of the Church of God, but with Christ on our side we are more than conquerors. Paul the Apostle prescribed some ways to combating the demonic philosophies of secular humanism, which I think can be applicable in our time too.

•             Be strong in the Lord

•             Be clothed with the whole armour of God

•             Have your loins gird with truth

•             Have on you the breastplate of righteousness

•             Move with the gospel of peace

•             Carry the shield of faith

•             Have the helmet of salvation

•             Carry the Sword of the Spirit

•             Pray all kinds of prayers

•             Persevere and supplicate for all Saints

These ‘Ten Points Charter’ are the very things Satan fears. He cannot put up with truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation in Christ, the Word of God and a prayerful Christian. Apostle Paul in his days gave these prescriptions to the church in Ephesus when the devil fomented lies to destroy the work of God.

Dearly beloved, the devil has only one assignment on earth: ‘The thief does not come except to steal and to kill and to destroy. I have come so that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. (Jn. 10:10 NKJV) Satan can never repent and so cannot stop his lies; his mother tongue. Kindly hold fast to the truth of the WORD to defeat their arguments.