Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Psalm 2:8-9


Thy Kingdom come, oh God

Thy rule, O Christ, begin

Break with thine iron rod

The tyrannies of sin. (Lewis Hensley 1824-1905)

The kingdoms of this world must be under the subjection of the eternal kingdom of our God. Jesus shall reign where’er the sun, for his kingdom stretches from shore to shore. The kingdom of darkness must be subject to the kingdom of our omnipotent God. The dominion mandate given to man after creation, which was lost through sin, has been restored through the death and resurrection of Christ, our Lord and Saviour. It is therefore God’s intent that we bring the nations under his rule while we remain here on earth to subdue them. We can only accomplish this when we ask God in prayer for his kingdom to come and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

To achieve this, we must first uproot certain evil roots, tear down satanic strongholds, rebuild broken walls and plant new seeds of holiness and the fear of God everywhere. But this can be done through the agency of intercessory prayers. We therefore agree with the Psalmist that the ability to conquer the nations, humanistic ideologies, false doctrines, and the rise of evil and the world’s systems with a rod of iron and dash them into pieces like a potter’s vessel lie in prayers of intercession. Indeed, we have no other option!

Prayer Guide: I subdue and bring every kingdom under the reign of Christ.

Memory Verse For This Week: Psalm 2:8 (ESV) – “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.”
