In 2 Timothy 1:6, Paul advised Timothy to stir up or fan into flame the gift of God in Him. The disciples demonstrated this fanning in Acts 4:29-33. They had been threatened by the authorities not to preach in the name of Jesus again. They, however, resorted to prayer, which is an element in fanning their gifts into flame. During the prayer session, they were revived, they were strengthened and filled again by the Holy Spirit, resulting in fresh boldness to proclaim God’s word.

To stir up the gift in you, you must connect to the source, the Holy Spirit, through consistent fasting and prayers. You must devote time to Him in prayer daily and also devote special times on some occasions for more intensive fasting and prayers. Studying the Word of God will also enlighten you to stir the gift of God. Make time for God and see your gifts stirred up to do exploits. Be ready for exploits as you practice these nuggets.