As we begin this year, it is very important to start right. To start right means to commence the year with a plan to which you give careful and close attention to absolute compliance that will guarantee you a successful and fulfilled year. Each and every minute within the year should count, but the question is how is it utilized? Our scripture reading admonishes us not to dwell on the experiences of the past.
This is one of the ways to begin the year well. As young as you are, you may have had plans and dreams for the previous years, but they all seemed to be unfulfilled. Due to that, you may have decided to relax on so many things because you feel they can never be attained as far as you are concerned. But the word of God to you today is encouraging you to forget about those terrible experiences and past failures.
Beloved, get it that God has a new thing for you this year, as indicated in Isaiah 43:19. For you to see the new thing, you need to put Him first (Matt. 6:33). Putting God first implies placing Him ahead of everything you do and before every step you make, be it academics, social life, etc. Putting God first at the beginning of the year is very important because the year will come with its own challenges and unpleasant situations, but because God is already ahead of you, He will clear those challenges and straighten your path for it to be smooth and for everything you do to be successful. That is what God has promised us in Isaiah 43:19, that He will make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.
To conclude, this year is pregnant with opportunities and goodies; however, it is up to you to either grab them or let them go. To grab these in the year, you have to begin well by forgetting about the past and putting God first in all things.