Singlehood is a season in life. In this week’s devotion, you have been taken through various ways that can help you to enjoy this stage of life. To be married or single in life is a gift from God. It is important to live your single life with a purpose. In living a purposeful single life, know that marriage doesn’t automatically cure loneliness, sexual desires or the need to feel loved. Marriage is a picture of God’s committed love and relationship with us and singleness on the other hand is a way to follow Jesus and devote influence, time, energy and relationship to help others in a way that the married people can’t.
Both are legitimate paths to honour God and fulfil His purpose. Trusting God with your single life helps you to live a fulfilling single life. The Lord is the giver of good gifts so trust Him with your life that when the time is due, He will show Himself strong. Keep on trusting God with all your heart, mind and soul and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Additionally, as you go through the single phase of your life, remain chaste as you have not been made for sexual immorality, and therefore flee from all activities that can lead to this. Do not conform to the patterns of the world by seeing sex before marriage as a norm. It is a sin against God.
Enjoying singlehood also entails you serving the Lord with your life. You are encouraged to actively participate in church activities and also cherish the serving of others too. Use your time to serve God and receive His blessings. Don’t also live your life anyhow but groom yourself to be a better lady or gentlemen. Remember that singleness is only for a season so enjoy it to the fullest by letting God direct you in all you do.