Sunday, July 2, 2023


Colossians 3:15-17


We have been looking at the Christian and secular music. Secular music is defined as any music not written for the church. They include love songs, political satire, songs for dancing and drama; they are usually based on moral subjects. Secularism arose in the 4th Century as a result of lack of faith in God and His clergy, who engaged in immoral behaviour. Secular music gained prominence through Guillaume de Mauchaut (a French composer) and Francesco Landini (an Italian composer), who were the most important composers in Europe in the 14th Century.

During the week, you saw how King Saul became so devastated because of ‘secular music’ to the point that he decided to destroy the priests of his kingdom and hunt David during the greater part of his reign. You will also recall, we mentioned that a good Christian song should proclaim the saving virtues of God and His Christ, be couched in biblical doctrines, call people to repentance and faith in Jesus, encourage Christians to serve Christ, endure the challenges of living for Christ, and appreciate and exalt God. Psalm 100 was discussed as a song that has something about God in every line. This shows how much the psalmist loved God. You were finally admonished not to follow the worldly trends in music but rather remain salt to prevent decay and light to shine in the dark world of music.

Prayer Guide: Lord Jesus, help me to be a good psalmist in my generation. Amen

Memory Verse For This Week: Colossians 3:16 (NKJV) – Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.
