We have discussed ‘influencing society’ this week. We learnt the concept of influencing and connected it to the postmodern concept of social media influencing. Social media influencing has its positives, but as young believers we must endeavour to be imitators of God. We should not be blown or tossed by any ‘wind of trend’; the word of God must direct our sail.

We learnt about Daniel, who dared to be different. He did not seek for the approval and love of men but prioritised his love for God above all others. He was not afraid of being controversial as a means of exhibiting his faith in God. His obedience to God won him a place of influence in the land of his captors.

The life of Jochebed, the mother of Moses, also taught us the essence of courage and bravery in the face of evil. She was not afraid of the King’s decree but hid the boy Moses. We need to be courageous in order to break some long standing attitudes and characters in our families and societies.

The life of Paul also taught us persistence. It is important that we stand in the face of difficulty. If we desire the anointing of Paul, then we must arm ourselves with his persistent character. He did not fear the wiles of the devil but ran his race and kept the faith. Jesus Christ is the ultimate influencer. He teaches us valuable lessons in humility as a way to influence society. In humility, God’s strength will overshadow our weakness and bring us victory.

Influence is key to possessing nations and cultures for Christ. The Vision 2023 Agenda of the Church of Pentecost, which seeks to influence every sphere of society with kingdom values and principles, is achievable through the power of societal influence!