Sunday, February 5, 2023


This week, we shared the need to Learn to Write and Keep What the Lord Gives You. It was revealed that God is commanding you to write. You were encouraged to have a physical or digital book where you can write or journal your daily quiet time experiences with God. Also, you must have a ‘vision book’ or ‘book of ideas’ where you can keep certain vision directions that you receive from God on a particular subject. Also, in an era where society is confronted with many challenges, God is calling on you to write to address these needs.

It was gleaned that these writeups would address the needs of this generation and those to come. It was shared that God desires for you to grow in your writing skills and the sure way to commence is to read. We also emphasized the need to choose the right words to communicate your idea, be mindful of who your readers are, use short sentences and paragraphs, use catchy illustrations, and pay attention to editing and proofreading.

In an era where we are intentionally possessing the nations for Christ, God is calling on you to write across all spheres including social media. However, your writings on social media must glorify God. May God multiply great grace upon you as you take the bold step to write and keep what the Lord gives you!

Prayer Guide: Pray as led by the Holy Spirit.

Memory Verse For This Week: Exodus 34:27 (NIV) – Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write down these words, for in accordance with these words I have made a covenant with you and with Israel.”
