All too soon we have come to the end of another exciting week. A festive week full of lessons. Throughout the week we have looked at “Jesus, a gift to the world”. We have seen that God’s gift to the world in the person of His Son Jesus Christ was for Him to die and save mankind from sin. We have seen from our studies that this treasured gift is “indescribable” yet God gave Him to us free. We can only reciprocate this gesture by accepting the gift instead of rejecting him.

We learnt His love for humanity is so deep. In fact, we see the depth of His love is also seen in the price he paid with life to recue us from the penalty of sin. The sacrifice was so great! The gift was also given us at a set time – God’s own opportune time. God’s time is always the best for us. In due season Christ was born.

Lastly, today is also “Boxing Day”. As discussed in our studies Jesus is God’s treasured lasting “Gift” to us. There is no better gift to humanity than the gift of Christ Jesus our Lord. As we show love in this festive season by the practice of “box-ing or parcelling” gifts to loved ones, may we also remember to give the “Gift” of Christ to all who are perishing. Let us show love. It is contagious and we must be intentional about it.

Prayer Guide: God you gave us Jesus please help us to also give Jesus to all those around us who are perishing. So help me God. Amen!

Memory Verse For This Week:

John 3:16 (NIV) – “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”