This week we have gleaned a lot from the lives of some Christian business and financial giants. Lessons were picked on their tenacity, “godlypreneurship”, giving lifestyle, the power of vision and strategic planning amongst many other virtues.
The word of God is clear on the Lord’s plan for your life to make you prosper and plans to give you hope and a future. A lot behoves on us to put our faith in the Lord and work hard at whatever our hands find to do. We should always strive for the best in life and never make room for mediocrity.
The billion dollars started with a million, which started with a thousand, which starts with one… and that first dollar is only earned by hard work. Little by little, with diligence, tenacity and the God factor you will be successful. It starts with your vision.
The Lord will prosper you this week. He will bring you to a place of knowledge of His purpose for your life. The Lord will bring you refreshing this week. Jesus be glorified.