We have been looking at the kingdom of God throughout the week. We learnt about the characteristics and the dos and don’ts of the kingdom of God. From our study, we discovered that, just as the earthly kingdoms, God also has a kingdom where He dwells with outlined applicable principles which are supposed to be the lifestyle of its members. Basic principles such as holiness, love, forgiveness, kindness etc. are to be critically observed.

We learnt that to be part of God’s kingdom, one needs to first and foremost make Him the Lord and saviour of his or her life, and abide in Him. The kingdom of God is not a physical object or a spiritual feeling, but once you receive Christ as Lord and personal Saviour, the kingdom of God is established in you and so is His Spirit. Due to the presence of His kingdom and Spirit in us, we cannot live anyhow as the world does. Instead His Spirit gives us the enablement to live holy lives and show love to all.

As children of God we are ambassadors or representatives of Christ on earth, who needs to exhibit Christ-like character to affect our community and generation.