SUNDAY, MAY 30, 2021



Throughout the week our focus was on Genesis 37 where we gleaned important lessons from the life of a teenager, Joseph. We traced his background to see some of the things that contributed to his success story. We realised that Joseph was more loved than any of his brothers but that did not make him a spoilt child. He rather exhibited good qualities such as exposing sin. He was also humble, available, trustworthy, serviceable, and he persevered in the things that he did.

As young people, we have to dream big about getting to the top in our chosen professions. We also have to dream big enough to achieve things that no one has been able to do in our families. When we dream, we should know the kind of people we share the dreams with because some people are dream killers. Out of jealousy they will go to every extent to prevent the manifestation of your dreams but be rest assured that God will come through for you if you maintain good character and eschew hatred for others.

PRAYER: Father, continue to guide me to achieve my dreams. Amen.

MEMORY VERSE FOR THE WEEK Genesis 39:3— “His master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord caused all that he did to succeed in his hands.” #PossessingtheNations
