This week has seen us talk about how we can please the Lord with our services as Christians. We observed that the English word ‘service’ is from the Latin, servitium, which means condition of a slave, body of slaves or servus meaning slave.

That is to say, in order to serve the Lord to His delight, one may have to assume the posture of a slave and thus adopt the “I give myself away” attitude. This is however possible if we replicate Enoch’s exemplary life which saw him please God by walking with Him for 300 years, blameless and upright in His sight.

As Christians, we can also please God by being productive with His giftings and responsibilities as in the cases of the good and faithful servants. Another way we can also please God is through our offerings which must reflect not only in terms of our monies but also in offering our bodies as living sacrifices and serving Him in truth and in all earnest. This is rightly so due to the reason that, God sees far beyond what men can see.

While some of us may argue that it is almost impossible to please God, we can have more hope when we consider people like Enoch, Noah, David, Abraham, and Noah who captured God’s attention despite being humans and coming with their own flaws just like us.

PRAYER: Pray as you are led by the Holy Spirit.

MEMORY VERSE FOR THE WEEK: Romans 12:1 (NKJV) – “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.”
