Sunday, May 19, 2024


This week, we have come to appreciate the fact that for the Christian, the question is now no longer the choice on whether or not to use social media, but rather how to use it. The potential of social media to contribute to the immense growth of Christianity and the Christian as an individual is too huge to be ignored. In his last words to the Apostles, Jesus instructed His disciples to go into the world and preach the good news to all creation (Mark 16:15). We have learnt that today, social media provides a very great platform to share the Gospel.

Again, we have come to know that there are several opportunities available on these same platforms for our spiritual, social, emotional and intellectual development. Nevertheless, we need to be careful with the use of social media as it has its own downside too. If care is not taken, the addictive nature of some of these platforms can affect our relationships, especially our relationship with God. We were, therefore, admonished to use social media moderately and at the right time. As salt and light of the world, we must be mindful of what we watch, post and comment on the social media space. Be guided by this, if Jesus was to use social media, what would have been on His wall, what would He have posted and commented on? Let’s not forget that ye are gods.

Prayer Guide: Pray as you are led.

Memory Verse For This Week: Ephesians 5:15 (NIV) – Be very careful, then, how you live-not as unwise but as wise.
