The life a Christian lives has a greater impact on every evangelism drive he or she undertakes. “Lifestyle evangelism” which is one of the evangelistic approaches, focuses on living right as a child of God in order to present the gospel to the people around us. We can only win souls for the Lord when young people live lives worthy of their calling and faith. Our lifestyle must always be in line with what we preach and teach or ought to preach and teach.

In Matthew 5:14-16, Christians are the light of the world. The light of Christ which is in us when lived in every aspect of our lives would drive away every darkness in our communities. In our work places, the light in us will cause people to follow us to Christ. Godly character can only be preserved in our offices, communities and the marketplaces when we live as the salt of the world. When we don’t live to the godly standards, we would be good for nothing.

We have been called as Christ’s ambassadors in our schools, workplaces and in our communities. Christlikeness should always be seen in whatever we do. This will speak volumes and bring the ungodly to Christ. The world needs something to clear the dryness of their throat. When you live your lives in accordance with the word of God, they will run to us for the streams of living water that flow through you. Let your lifestyle preach the gospel to your colleagues in your offices and people in your communities. Are you conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ? God is counting on you. Present yourself well to the world. You are creating imprints in the minds of people.

Prayer Guide: Oh Lord I pray that you help me live and showcase a lifestyle that will draw many to your kingdom in Jesus name. Amen!

MEMORY VERSE FOR THIS WEEK: Philippians 1:27a (NIV) – “Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.”
