The word ‘service’ can be traced to the Latin word, servitium, which means a condition of a slave, body of slaves; or to the word, servus – meaning slave. In other words, service or servant-hood has a connoted meaning of slavery or to serve as a slave.
To serve the Lord to His delight, one may have to assume the posture of a “slave” – giving up him/herself totally to the cause of the Lord.
Paul in his letter to the Romans (Romans 12) referred to this well-pleasing attitude as “presenting yourself as a living sacrifice” unto the Lord. Similarly, in our second reading, Paul brings us to another level of understanding, where we are made to know that believers do not live for themselves; neither do they die for themselves. In other words, all that we are and all that we have as believers should be used to promote the cause of Christ.
This relationship is however more consensual; a willingness to walk with God and serve Him with all diligence. In scripture, persons who were said to have pleased the Lord were those who wholeheartedly dedicated their lives to His service.
Just as the slave exists to please his master, so must the Christian dedicate his whole life to pleasing the Lord. In what ways are you willing to please the Lord in your service?