God requires all Christians to serve one another in love. As ambassadors, the service we render to others tells them about the God we serve. People will judge you more by your actions than your words, as it is said, “Actions speak louder than words.” Your attitude towards others will give them an impression of you, which could last a lifetime. In the vineyard of God, we are expected to use the gifts that God gives us to serve one another. The gifts are not for our personal gratification but for serving the body of Christ. Husbands should learn to serve their wives and vice versa. Parents should learn to serve their children while children learn to do the same.
Government officials must serve the citizenry and prefects must learn to serve their colleague students and staff as the case may be. Jesus Christ, our perfect example served His disciples and humanity in many ways. He showed them the highest form of service by washing their feet. He chose to perform the responsibilities of slaves in order to teach His disciples true leadership. As an ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ, always seek opportunities to serve others and don’t be quick in wanting others to serve you.