Monday, July 3, 2023


Ezekiel 22:23-31


If there is a man to pray, then there is a God to answer! Possessing the nations through intercessory prayers connotes a concerted effort by all and sundry to resolve to engage God in the affairs of man through a consistent and fervent prayer lifestyle. The Prophet Ezekiel, in today’s reading, speaking under the inspiration of the Almighty God, bemoaned the spiritual decline of the Israelites and how miserable they looked. Both the leadership and the people were completely backslidden, which had occasioned spiritual and physical chaos.

The spiritual leadership had become mechanical and the political leadership had metamorphosed into oppression and the devouring of innocent people. That was how bad the situation was! In spite of this, God had a solution for his own people, and that lay in one man who would be faithful to stand in the open gap to cause things to come back to normalcy. Presently, the nations, representing the government and the governed, have nosedived into a state of spiritual decline and physical deterioration at all levels. The obvious solution to these myriads of problems is for a person to take the centre stage of prayer and plead for divine intervention in the affairs of humanity.

The Church must be on her knees daily and not occasionally if we want to see God’s move among the nations. Dearly beloved, you are an intercessor, so let God hear your voice of intercession each day for the restoration of the nations.

Prayer Guide: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for this privilege to be an intercessor. Grant me the needed grace to be faithful in this mandate in Jesus’ name!

Memory Verse For This Week: Psalm 2:8 (ESV) – “Ask of me, and I will make the nations your heritage, and the ends of the earth your possession.”
