1 Samuel 2:12-18

EXPOSITION: Undoubtedly, through Christ Jesus, we are restored to the glorious place of sonship with the potential for leadership. Nevertheless, the potential for leadership that lies within us requires some personal commitment for it to manifest. Leadership is like a seed, it needs nurturing to blossom into a full plant. And so, there must be a deliberate effort to graduate the potential into reality.

In the course of this week’s devotion, we shall take strides in the farmer’s field to draw some relevant lessons from his various disciplines. We will closely examine the efforts the farmer exerts into  nurturing a seed into a tree – beginning with sowing today.

Sowing plays an important role in farming because sowing provides the foundation of a successful crop. The farmer always endeavours to till the ground – through the loosening and ploughing of the soil. – to provide a conducive environment suitable for growth before the activity of sowing.

The young Samuel found himself in a warped and corrupt generation, where the temptation and risk of being influenced negatively was very high. The risk of compromising to indulge in ungodly acts was as high as he stayed with the unscrupulous sons of Eli under the same roof. However, from 1 Samuel 2:18, we realize that he kept on  ministering before the Lord with his garment untainted. Samuel had  recognized the seed of leadership deposited in him, and so even in the corrupt house he found himself – he strived to preserve himself to provide a suitable environment for the growing of the viable seed  of God in him.

The built-in seed of leadership predisposes the Christian as a leader but does not make him a leader. So you may be charismatic, influential and inspiring by nature – but these literally doesn’t guarantee that you  will grow to become a leader. The process of growing into maturity as a leader requires a radical reordering of your priorities and focus in life. The Christian must endeavour to preserve himself in holiness for the growth of the seed of leadership buried in them.

PRAYER GUIDE: Father, please help me preserve myself in holiness.

MEMORY VERSE FOR THIS WEEK: Ephesians 4:15 - ‘‘Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of his body, the church.’’
