The fulcrum of our Christian faith is love. Christianity thrives on love. Jesus was born to manifest the Love of God. In John 3:16, we see the world could tell of the love of God when God gave Jesus to the world. One thing that moved God and drove Jesus Christ to pay the penalty of sin, the ultimate sacrifice for humanity, was nothing but unconditional love called Agape – the God-kind of love. God is love (1 John 4:16). It is His nature. The epic of His love for sinful humanity was by giving Himself on the cross to die a shameful death to save us. Giving is a great indicator of the Saviour’s love for mankind. God gave His only Son and His Son gave His life as a ransom sacrifice for us. Today, we smile as Christians because Jesus gave His life.
Christmas is a season of giving, a time to show the world the love of God. Giving is His nature. Again, God giving us His Son did not begin at Calvary, where he died, but in Bethlehem where he was born. When we remember His birth, it reminds us of His death on the cross. The love of the Son of God is infectious. It was seen in every facet of His life on earth. From His human relationship, compassion for the sick, His teachings and through crucifixion to death on the cross, He taught us to love by His life not just words. Even in operating spiritual gifts, whenever He was moved with compassion, what followed was a miracle. This is seen all throughout the gospels. So, throughout His ministry, we see that spiritual gifts operated stronger where love abounds.
Love is the greatest virtue because God is love. And this seed is in the Son. The Son of God has also given us, His children, this virtue of love. It is the showing of this love to the world that they will see that indeed we are His followers. May our lives exemplify this nature of Christ. May the world see this love even as we celebrate the season of His birth so many will come to His saving knowledge.