Saturday October 29, 2022


Genesis 2:18-25; 3:1-19


Adam and Eve’s marital love started off very beautifully. Adam admired God’s choice of a helper for him and openly praised his wife. Shortly afterwards we read about a big mistake on the part of the woman that led her to disobey God and caused her husband to do same.

Adam was quick to point out to God that his disobedience was as a result of the woman God had given him. Sin thus entered the word with all its consequences. Adam and Eve were ushered into a life of pain and toil, something they never experienced in their previous life. It is however good to know that this first couple still stayed together as man and wife and went ahead to fulfil God’s purposes in the mist of all their constrains and challenges.

For some people, love ends when it becomes difficult to solve challenges. For others too, any love relationship ordained by God should be easy and not face certain challenges. Every human institution has its fair share of challenges because of a number of reasons including the fact that people bring on board their different experiences, traits, expectations, demands etc. Marriage is no exception, our differences can result in a breakup if not addressed maturely and in the light of God’s word. Knowing that God hates divorce, you must ensure that your love does not fail.

Love is not automatically unending for any human being. You must constantly work on yourself and daily make the right choices to stay in love. After starting off well some people allow unforgiveness, impatience, complacency etc. to strangle and kill their love. It is possible to meet other interesting people, other than your spouse, who may even go to the extent of stirring some love interest in you. You should however not give attention to such diversions. All efforts should be aimed at growing your marital love in spite of all the imperfections in your spouse. You have a role to play to ensure that you stay in love with your wife or husband.

Prayer Guide: Pray for a deeper understanding of love and God’s guidance in your choice of a partner.

Memory Verse For This Week: 1 Corinthians 13:4-5 (NIV) – Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonour others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
