Jesus is the ultimate example of someone who endured suffering and hardship. The author of Hebrews reminds believers of Christ’s perseverance at the hands of sinners. He had to go through great sufferings for crimes He never committed. In spite of all these, He never turned back, even from the cross. Hebrews 12:2 says Jesus endured the cross “for the joy set before him.” Although Christ knew the suffering the cross would provide, His anticipated joy enabled Him to keep going; He knew what the rewards would be, which is the redemption of mankind and a seat at the right hand of God.
In the same way, you can find hope to endure whatever hardship or suffering you may be going through now if you consider the rewards God has promised you. Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. Remember, there is an expiry date to every suffering. Be motivated by Jesus’ example and continue to press hard, knowing that very soon the story will definitely change for the better.