In the last decade, we have witnessed the massive growth of the social media industry. It is both exciting and surprising that this phenomenon that started off with very little prospects has taken all over the world. Nothing can be done without social media. Big industries now use social media as an official communication tool. It has become the foremost marketing tool for businesses globally. This has also led to the rise of what is called the ‘social media influencer’.
‘Social media influencer’ has become a fulltime job, and many are capitalising on the opportunities available to sell brands, market products and make money. A social media influencer is a content creator who develops following by sharing content that inspires, entertains, informs or connects people. Some social media influencers have used their large following to start trends that are denigrating and do not encourage righteousness and piety. Almost every trend draws the youth closer to promiscuity and lewdness. In administering the law to the people of Israel, Moses admonished them in Exodus 23:2 thus:
You shall not follow a crowd to do evil; … The crowd is not always right. In fact, the crowd is often in
error. Paul admonishes us to be imitators of Christ Jesus. Even when Paul sought to set his life as an example to the believers at Corinth, he admonished them to imitate him (Paul) as he imitated Christ. In this age of social media influencers and trends, let us imitate Christ. Whatever does not reflect the glory of Christ must be far from our camp no matter how popular and trendy it is. Be imitators of God dear ones and not imitators of social media influencers, selah!